Friday, May 15, 2009


I can't wait until 4:59pm. Yes, I'll be logging off this computer at 4:59pm not 5:00pm. Wohooo how rebellious am I???!!!! :) Anyway it's been a loooong 14 1/2 weeks of this. I never quite felt like I belonged here, nor did my co-worker. We actually never tried to blend in with the rest. There were many times when we sat here hours on end with absolutely nothing to do. We would just sit here thinking of ways not to go insane. There were times when I would look up math problems online and work them out and get all excited when I got them right. That's when my co-worker officially diagnosed me as insane. LOL! And other times when we actually did have work but it never required us to do any brainstorming, thinking, or problem solving. We were tired of the monotony and the only difference between my co-worker and I at this point is that she has to stay behind and keep doing nothing and getting paid for it, and I get to move on from this and thank God that it is over.

I have to admit that this job came at a perfect time, because God knows that I needed the funds for the wedding. But it's awful when you work somewhere just for the money and don't even like what you do. It really has an impact on your personal life and it's almost like you feel like a robot, just going through the motions because you HAVE TO.

Anyway the day is finally here and I couldn't be happier. It's time to move on to bigger and better things and as with everything I learned something positive from being here. Oh and learned a bit about the ins and outs of the water company. Always good to know a little bit of everything.

The End!


minnie said...

YAY!!!!It's finally over! Isn't Raul coming soon?

*B* said...

Hey Minerva yeah he arrived on Friday. :)