Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I thought I had the whole honeymoon debacle over with. BUT yesterday I get a call from Raul saying that the fees were charged to another account. That other account was to Raul's sister, because she originally booked everything. I specifically told them (three times) to charge it to my account. So yesterday morning I checked my account and they still had not charged my account, and I thought that was a bit odd and I never received a confirmation email. So I put "call travelocity" on my to-do-list! Anyyyyyyyyway so I call them right away after I get Raul's call and I was a bit irritated at this point.

After ten minutes of waiting I finally get someone on the phone and advise them of the problem. After waiting and waiting and waiting they say "yes ma'am we do have here in our system that your account should of been charged and not the other one, we apologize but there is nothing we can do because the charges already went through on the other account." Ahhhhhhh I'm fuming by now! They proceed to say "you will have to transfer your funds to the other account." I won't even begin to say what I told them, but I was not a happy camper. And to top it off when they were going over the account numbers they were saying both of them wrong. What is wrong with them???????? Is it that hard???? After everything I ended up with a $100 credit on a future flight! I think the best way to use that $100 credit is to give the authorization code to my in-laws so they can use it when they fly out here. There something good came out of this!!! I can't believe no one was held accountable for that.

Travelocity sucks!

1 comment:

diana said...

The problem with Travelocity is that they outsource their call centers. We have problems with them every time but, we keep using them because it's such a great deal!