Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blood Boiling!

I am a frequent visitor to, I go there to get my daily dose of bad news (unfortunately) and the occasional good news. I just want to be well informed. Anyway abc7 news started this thing recently where viewers/readers can create an account and make comments on the current issue or news. There are times when I take the time to read the comments, but I try to avoid them because most of the time it's narrow minded SOB's who make comments on there. And I swear it pisses me off every single time. It must be something I just can't handle, or haven't been able to find a way to handle it. The only thing I can think of is "narrow minded SOB's".

So the current major news is about the swine flu in Mexico!!! I was reading the current updates and actually scrolled down to the comments. Here are some them:

"Unfortunately #2 in Mexico their health standards are not necessarily as high as they are here. Most of the country is poor living in substandard housing and living conditions. Mexico's government has been so corrupt for so long they don't make it a priority to deal with it till it's too late. Unfortunately the US may pay this time to as the virus crosses the boarder".


"Please do not take this the wrong way, but STAY AWAY FROM THE MEXICANS until this passes.That is the safest bet. I am not going near one until this passes over."

I almost can't believe I'm taking the time to write this blog, and entertaining all this stupidity but I just had to. Some people here in the US just think that we are the best country ever, we need to do our own "cleaning up." There are a lot of things that I don't have much tolerance for among them are:

1) Child molesters
2) Parents who beat their kids or simply treat them bad
3) Ignorant ass people who just talk because they have a mouth

..and the list goes on and on...

Anyway I just had to put this out there. Arrrghhhh.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

17 Again

Not sure if you have all heard of the movie 17 Again. It's about "a man who wakes up one morning to find he's a teenager again and has a shot at fixing his wayward life." I have not seen the movie yet, but I would like to. So I was thinking about what I would change if I was 17 again. And one thing that came to mind right away was that, I would of been more involved in sports during my high school years. I've always liked to push myself physically and I tend to get a bit competitive, I could of assisted in winning most of our high school games. I think I would of been in track, softball, soccer, or even basketball (with my short self). :) I don't think I could ever be a cheerleader or something, it's just not in my DNA! LOL!

And it's kind of funny because I actually tried to make up for that in a sense. I signed up for a soccer class when I was in community college. Not to play for the school, I just wanted to try it out. I was so excited about trying it out. The first day was a killer because we had to do all these crazy workouts (which I enjoyed) then the next day all of us girls show up again only to find a note that the class was cancelled for the semester. I was so disappointed!

So anyway that's about the only thing I would have changed!

What would you do if you were 17 again?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sleep Interrupted!

The wedding is right around the corner! Yesterday right before I went to bed I was thinking of all the little things I had to do. People to call, appointments to make, final payments to make etc. etc. So to sum it up I didn't get a good night sleep! :( It took me an hour or two to knock out and then I woke up at 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. Arrrrghhh! I kept thinking to myself that I had to stop thinking of everything because in reality I wasn't going to accomplish anything just by thinking about it. Did it work? Nope. I really struggled to get through the day.

But I did organize my to-do- list and I must say I accomplished a whole lot during my breaks and lunch! I feel better now! :) I actually created a calendar in word and wrote every single thing that still has to be done for the wedding. I am a visual person so that calendar really comes in handy. And May is just going to be busy, busy, busy! Obvio!!!! :)

I just can't wait til' our wedding day, and I can't wait until our much needed vacation/honeymoon in Hawaii! :) Oh and talking about Hawaii I also made a list of all the things to "buy here and not in Hawaii." I rather pay $6 +/- instead of $12+/- for suntan lotion.

There was one little bump on the road. I ordered my favors online on 3/27 and I still don't have them. I've been meaning to call them and just haven't got around to doing so. So I finally called them today and they said that specific item was temporarily out of stock BUT that they will be getting a shipment on 5/8. OMG long story short I will be getting them on 5/12. They were really nice and helpful and thank God or else it would of been war. The don't want me to get "BRIDEZILLA" on them. J/K Oh God I don't think I could ever be like that!!!

Sooo yeah I think I'm ramblin' now due to lack of sleep. So gooooooood night!

P.S. I've got a diet/exercise update but I'll leave that for tomorrow. :)


Monday, April 20, 2009


It's official like we say "si Dios quiere" hehehehe Raul will be in Cali. on 5/15. :) I am so happy! I guess the priest was hesitant to make us those counterfeit certificates. LOL!

Furthermore I am hoping to be out of this job by 5/15. Well, that's if they don't let me go before then, it's been really slow lately and we just don't know what is going to happen. This job is so unstable!
They already let go of two girls, so we just never know. And I can't wait to be done with all this negative vibe. A lot of times these ladies come in with such bad attitudes and no matter how hard I try not to let it get to me it does. I just want to put all this behind me and start new. :)

And by the way Minerva I’ve had numerous dreams about babies, and all of them have been little baby girls. I can’t wait to experience being a mommy. We will see what happens!!!! I had another crazy dream last night but we won’t go there. LOL!

And one last thing, the diet and exercise is going good. Hanging in there! On today's "exercise menu" outdoor run, I will be running hills for 30 minutes.

Until next time!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Raul and I have been talking about the plans that will be taking place close to our wedding day. Certain conversations are about when he is going to fly into California. We are not sure if he is going to fly in a week before the wedding or three days before the wedding. It is all going to depend on weather or not we are going to attend our marital retreat a week before our wedding. I've been close to attending the retreats by myself twice already. The church here is allowing me to do it by myself but the priest in Texas won't, he wants us both there. So now we are trying to see if his mom can get something from the Priest in Mexico saying we attended the retreat. He is a family friend and I guess he might just do it. You just have to love the Catholic religion. I mean that is lying, but okay that's a whole story on it's own. Ohh and the church here will allow something in writing that says we attended the retreat somewhere else or even in another country. So it works out perfect. Personally I rather just have Raul come down a week before, attend the retreat and get things here and there taken care of. We will find out what happens this week.

So I go to bed with all the thoughts running in my head, and I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that we were at our reception and there were people there but I couldn't see there faces it was all blurry. I just remember seeing Raul's brother, sister, my mom and dad. I was panicking because Raul wasn't there yet. He was on his way ON THE BUS. WTF!! All I kept telling his brother was "see he should of listened to me, I told him to come sooner." And all his brother could say was, "don't worry he is about an hour away." It was 9:30pm and we were not able to follow the timeline for the cake cutting, toss of the garter etc. etc. I remember I kept trying to talk to the DJ and he was just ignoring me. HECK we weren't even married because for some reason we were at the reception and I don't remember being at the church in my dream. Anyway then all of a sudden I started running outside in my wedding dress and all of a sudden I see a baby just lying on the ground (yes, on the ground how sad) and she was crying. I stopped and picked her up, trying to console her. I looked at her face and she was just the cutest thing in the world with chunky little cheeks and she was really light with dark hair. I remember just holding her close to me then I just kept walking down the street. HOW WEIRD! And then I woke up!!! I woke up just tripping out and I felt like calling Raul and telling him about my dream. And I also wanted to let him know how important it is that he comes earlier. :)

I am just amazed at the crazy twist and turns that dreams make. How does a baby fit in the picture of my wedding dream. It is all just weird to me, and goes to show how fascinating the mind is.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I really had to fight off temptation today. I'm really good during the week as far as making good food choices then the weekend comes around and I mess it up. Yup, that is my MO. So today was no different, it's Friday and I was craving Flamin' Hot Fritos. OMG I love chips. So during my lunch I was eating my salmon and asparagus lunch and all the while I was day dreaming about chips!!! I ended up going to the store by my work (not to buy the chips) to get a head start on my grocery shopping, because I truly hate occupying my weekends with grocery shopping.

Anyway so I am at the store, and there I am passing by the chips isle. And well, I just passed by the isle, I kept going to buy what I actually needed. BUT I still needed something, so I decided to buy a Cliff Bar and some string cheese. SIGH!! Decisions, decisions! I have to admit that eating the Cliff Bar made me feel better.

And then...I get a call from my friend Jamie and she invites me to go out to dinner with her and her cousins. Hmm I would love to! Usually my visits to restaurants involve eating fried calamari, pasta, pizza etc. So if I go I would have to stick to a salad or chicken. I think it just boils down to learning how to make good healthy choices and that is just the way it's going to be!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 2

Yesterday's workout routine went well. I had to get some cardio in so it took me a while to finish my circuits and my 30 minute cardio on the eliptical. Listening to my music really gets me in the mood to work out. Last night while I was on the elliptical my IPOD decided to just turn off on me. :( Actually that's my fault because I didn't pay attention and charge it. Thank God I was almost done with my cardio or else it would of been an extremely dreadful and long work out.

I am very soar right now, which means this is working. Today is considered Day 3 and I am so happy that I have a day off from doing my circuits. I do however have to get some cardio in, and I am in the mood for an outdoor run this evening. :) I've been trying to avoid any weigh-ins. I just want to weigh my self once my 30 days are over, but I couldn't resist and got on that scale only to find that the scale did not want to cooperate. I just bought this scale last month so there is no reason why it shouldn't be working. I was a bit bummed but I figured oh well, I'll just figure out what is wrong with it tonight.

Until next time!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Okay I think this can be considered a blog marathon for me. I haven't blogged this much in a long time. I have a lot of thoughts in my head, and what better way to get all these thoughts out than by blogging. :)

So as you all know I've already sent out all the wedding invitations. Last Friday I received a few RSVP's. And helllllllloo I was so excited!!! I was amazed at how excited I got, I had to stop myself. LOL! It is fun getting them, and of course updating my excel spreadsheet with all the confirmed guest. :)

Okay that's it can't wait to see you all in about 38 days! YIKES! ;)



Lately I've been making frequent trips to the Mall. Anyway so I've been observing my surroundings while at the mall (as I always do anywhere I go) and I noticed the abundance of little teenagers walking around without their parents. It seems as though that is the the "cool" thing to do these days. These teens are not there to shop, how could they with no jobs. They are there simply to "be kids" and enjoy there teen years, right? WRONG! At one point as I was walking I noticed BAM right in front of me a little immature couple with the their tongues down each others throats. I was in shock! I felt like going over there and saying "hey you stop that, go home and do your homework." OMG I couldn't believe it and the whole time I pictured that being my god-daughter Savanna. I was not liking that at all! :(

These kids all have high-tech cell phones, big sunglasses, tight clothing, and black nail polish. I guess I should be more upset that the parents are allowing this to happen. I really don't think that I would want my kids at the mall at age 13. I would want them home with the family, and involved in other activities.

Sooo it gets better! I haven't seen my god-daughter in a minute. I've talked to her but have not seen her. Last weekend I took her to get her bridesmaid dress. I couldn't believe it, she seemed older and was dressed differently. :( She is all into fashion, (which is great) but I was not feeling her eye contacts (they were blue) and her black nail polish. I'm bummed! She now is starting to look like those kids in the mall. Annnd her grandmother told me that she has been asking to go to the mall and "hang out." I wish I could take control! ;( Furthermore I don't feel like she has any discipline or direction. Her grandmother is going through some really hard times, and is not paying as much attention to Savanna.

So I decided to set aside some time this weekend to have a little chat with my god-daughter. I have to believe that some of my positive energy and advise can help her even if it's in a small way. I have a whole list of things I want to talk to her about!!!!! She needs direction, especially at this age. It's a crucial time and I don't want to see her waste her life away. And it just makes me sad, because the people that surround her aren't making it any better. :(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 1

I am having one of my crazy work out phases. I managed to loose a bit over 10 lbs just before the Vegas trip, only to gain half of it back. :( So anyway I am strolling down the book isle at Target last weekend, simply checking out what Target has in stock. My intentions were not to buy a book, just lookin'. I pass all the teen books, science fiction, annnnd then as I kept walking all of a sudden I see this:

The word "wedding" caught my attention. As you can see the front cover reads "Stop the show at your wedding, reunion" etc. etc. I got my stubby hands on the book and thought "these work out routines and this diet seem reasonable." Hmm I thought about it for a minute and decided to buy it. :) I am not expecting to have a body like hers, that doesn't happen in 30 days. But I am expecting to melt off inches, drop a few and just feel great.

I was reading it over the weekend and getting familiar with the work out routines. One of the suggestions that Jillian (coach of Biggest Looser) gives is taking a "before" and "after" picture. I thought OMG can I really get myself to do that??? Well today was my first day of this 30 day plan. All I have to say is this is no joke. Those work outs are insane and within minutes I was drippin' in sweat. Annnd I also took that "before" picture!!! I was in shock! It is so true that a picture tells a thousand words. Well this screamed a thousand pounds!! I was wearing minimal clothes...(I know TMI) oh well whatever. And umm yeah I couldn't believe my eyes. I am actually glad that I decided to take that picture. It has motivated me even more. I know that I've mentioned that the older I get, the more I feel comfy with my body and I still stand by that. But this boils down to being healthy and feeling good. It's amazing how tired, sluggish and unhappy I feel when I fill my body with junk food. It all taste great, but in the long run it's not good for this 5'1 chick.

I hope you are all not dying to see my "before" picture! LOL. J/K Because that picture is not bloggin' material. I can however show you one that is similiar to my picture. LMAO!!!

I've just decided to take this day by day otherwise I know I will get overwhelmed. I have a date tomorrow morning at 5:30am with that place called "gym".

To be continued!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sin City Part I!

I had an absolute great time in Vegas! Everything turned out really well! When we arrived on Saturday I was really anxious and nervous because I was going to see Raul. Jamie, Myra, Raul and I were going to meet up for lunch. I always get the butterflies-in-the- stomach feeling right before I see him. We arrived at the restaurant inside the Venetian and shortly after that Raul arrived. I was sooo happy to see him. After our lunch Myra and Jamie gambled a bit while Raul and I went to the room.

He had a little something to give me! J I will spare some of the details. But eventually he gave me that little something. I FINALLY GOT MY ENGAGEMENT RING. When he opened the box and showed me the ring, I started to cry. I did not think I would cry, in fact I didn’t even think about it. It is absolutely beautiful! And all Raul could say was "I love you, do you like it, I love you, do you like it, and I love you" it was funny now that I think about it. I don’t even think he asked “will you marry me”. LOL! But we all know that yes I will marry him. I couldn’t stop looking at the ring, and I still can’t stop looking at it. I can’t believe I have it! It’s such a beautiful feeling and has so much meaning to it.

I am really happy and I’m so thankful that God has allowed me to experience this much happiness in my life time. I know that there are a lot of great times to come and I can’t wait to experience them with Raul. There was a little simple note that Raul wrote for me and I’d like to share it, it went like this:

“Recuerdo official de la entraga de anillo de compromiso, te amo mi vida eres lo mejor que me ha pasado. Gracias por ser como eres nunca cambies. Te amo.”

It was so simple but yet meant a lot to me. Those little gestures are the best and hold a lot of sentimental value. So anyway there is more to our fun filled weekend in Vegas and I will post another blog later.