Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sleep Interrupted!

The wedding is right around the corner! Yesterday right before I went to bed I was thinking of all the little things I had to do. People to call, appointments to make, final payments to make etc. etc. So to sum it up I didn't get a good night sleep! :( It took me an hour or two to knock out and then I woke up at 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. Arrrrghhh! I kept thinking to myself that I had to stop thinking of everything because in reality I wasn't going to accomplish anything just by thinking about it. Did it work? Nope. I really struggled to get through the day.

But I did organize my to-do- list and I must say I accomplished a whole lot during my breaks and lunch! I feel better now! :) I actually created a calendar in word and wrote every single thing that still has to be done for the wedding. I am a visual person so that calendar really comes in handy. And May is just going to be busy, busy, busy! Obvio!!!! :)

I just can't wait til' our wedding day, and I can't wait until our much needed vacation/honeymoon in Hawaii! :) Oh and talking about Hawaii I also made a list of all the things to "buy here and not in Hawaii." I rather pay $6 +/- instead of $12+/- for suntan lotion.

There was one little bump on the road. I ordered my favors online on 3/27 and I still don't have them. I've been meaning to call them and just haven't got around to doing so. So I finally called them today and they said that specific item was temporarily out of stock BUT that they will be getting a shipment on 5/8. OMG long story short I will be getting them on 5/12. They were really nice and helpful and thank God or else it would of been war. The don't want me to get "BRIDEZILLA" on them. J/K Oh God I don't think I could ever be like that!!!

Sooo yeah I think I'm ramblin' now due to lack of sleep. So gooooooood night!

P.S. I've got a diet/exercise update but I'll leave that for tomorrow. :)


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