Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I can't believe it!

Only 18 days left until the wedding and I can't believe it. I have my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins, in-laws, and friends all coming in from out of state and I haven't been able to process all of that in my head. WOW! And it's all so they can be at our wedding. I am so happy but it all still has not sunk in.

Thank God that I have a lot of downtime at work because that is where I create my to-do list and I also have to time to gather my thoughts and focus on what needs to be done. Whewww!

My love arrives on the 15th and I am so happy that we finally get to start our lives together. It's been 2 years and 3 months of patience, commitment, and loooong conversations over the phone. Now we can enjoy each others company and just be as happy as possible. :) And that is why I believe in "Accepting the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."

I am feeling a bit stressed and feeling a bit of pressure but it's all part of the game!


minnie said...

How exciting!!!!!

susana said...

try not to stress...things will happen that you may have no control over and no one else will even notice. Sorry, i've taken so long to get back to you on the hair stylist...the guy that use to do our hair move and no one seems to have his #. But i go to the factory in pasadena (they have a website) and they say they do hair for events but i've never seen any. There is also one in LaCanada that my fine has gone too...i've like what i seen there. email me or call me if you are interested in them for your sister in law..this comment is getting to long.sorry