Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Lately I've been making frequent trips to the Mall. Anyway so I've been observing my surroundings while at the mall (as I always do anywhere I go) and I noticed the abundance of little teenagers walking around without their parents. It seems as though that is the the "cool" thing to do these days. These teens are not there to shop, how could they with no jobs. They are there simply to "be kids" and enjoy there teen years, right? WRONG! At one point as I was walking I noticed BAM right in front of me a little immature couple with the their tongues down each others throats. I was in shock! I felt like going over there and saying "hey you stop that, go home and do your homework." OMG I couldn't believe it and the whole time I pictured that being my god-daughter Savanna. I was not liking that at all! :(

These kids all have high-tech cell phones, big sunglasses, tight clothing, and black nail polish. I guess I should be more upset that the parents are allowing this to happen. I really don't think that I would want my kids at the mall at age 13. I would want them home with the family, and involved in other activities.

Sooo it gets better! I haven't seen my god-daughter in a minute. I've talked to her but have not seen her. Last weekend I took her to get her bridesmaid dress. I couldn't believe it, she seemed older and was dressed differently. :( She is all into fashion, (which is great) but I was not feeling her eye contacts (they were blue) and her black nail polish. I'm bummed! She now is starting to look like those kids in the mall. Annnd her grandmother told me that she has been asking to go to the mall and "hang out." I wish I could take control! ;( Furthermore I don't feel like she has any discipline or direction. Her grandmother is going through some really hard times, and is not paying as much attention to Savanna.

So I decided to set aside some time this weekend to have a little chat with my god-daughter. I have to believe that some of my positive energy and advise can help her even if it's in a small way. I have a whole list of things I want to talk to her about!!!!! She needs direction, especially at this age. It's a crucial time and I don't want to see her waste her life away. And it just makes me sad, because the people that surround her aren't making it any better. :(

1 comment:

minnie said...

Why can't kids just be kids, why must they always try to be older? Believe me, I'm going to have Isaac on lock down . . .o.k maybe I'm exagerrating but he will definitely be busy with school and extracurricular activites.