Friday, October 31, 2008


There is still hope yet! Our professor told us yesterday that we still have hope. :) I must of talked to at least five of my classmates yesterday, and they all failed the exam. Not good! But to make a long story short, we need a total of 238 points to pass. I currently have to get 143 points to pass. There are still plenty of points up for grab. I no longer have to get a perfect 90% (although I'll aim for that) to pass. And I am very happy that she gave us a homework assignment that is worth 5 extra credit points. At this point we will take 1 point extra credit!!! LOL. So that in my book, is a plus!!! :)

There is no room for failure, graduation will take place!!! :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Silence is key!

So as I was driving to class today, I found myself in traffic. Typical. There were orange cones that were on the fast lane, so the cars were merging to the right! There was a car in front of me that was trying to merge onto the right lane. The cars behind that person wouldn't let him/her merge, and there were still about 45-50 feet ahead of us that allowed for them to keep driving and merge further ahead. So I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting for some generous soul to let this person merge. Well this thing called IMPATIENCE got the best of me, and I had just enough room to go around him/her and keep going. So as I did that, and comfortably get into the right lane, I see a cop right behind me. His sirens are going crazy and, YES I was being pulled over. Well, I try to really watch my language in my day to day things, which is good, because I save them for situations like this. I was saying every bad word possible while I'm pulling over. At this point the cop is on my butt, as if I am going to be one of those fleeing felons, you know like the ones on TV LOL! And I'm thinking, "dang is this necessary?"

So I pull over, he gets off his patrol car and approaches my vehicle. With a very high tone of voice (almost yelling), tells me "let me see your license and registration." Okay, I give him what he asked for. The whole time, I'm thinking I am not even going to ask why he pulled me over, let me SHUT UP. Maybe keeping quiet will work in my favor! So he proceeds by saying, "why are in such a hurry, and cutting people off?" Whaaaaaaaat? And I tell him, "I'm not going to argue with you." All along I knew that wasn't the case. And I thought if he gives me a ticket I'll just fight this in court, why even try reasoning with him.

So he checks my information and I swear, when he came back I thought I was dealing with another officer. He is CALM and says okay, "you have a good driving record, so I will let you go and save you from a $800 ticket. What is the reason you are in such a hurry?" And I just reply by saying, "I have to get to class." And he says, "Okay Miss, you have a great day, be safe." Whewwwww what was that all about? OMG $800 ticket for what??????? I should report him, nahhhhh I have my Statistics class to worry about. LOL.

Anyway sometimes silence is key! I put my pride aside, beleive me, I could of argued with him. And thank God I shut the trap because that saved me $800. For what??? Who knows!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I don't know where to start...

My worse fears have been confirmed!!! I bombed my midterm in Statistics :( grrrrr!!!! I should of just left my books and notes closed prior to this exam because it did no good! And just as I was open about getting 85% on my first assignment, I have to be just as open about how I got 47% on my exam! This is b*llsh*t, and I just can't even begin to explain how I feel.

But the only comfort that I can find, is in knowing that, I am not the only one! After the midterm, I ran into at least 5 of my classmates and they were all stressing about how they did. All of them just had a gut feeling that they didn't do so well. This is an extremely hard class. In all the time that I have been in school, I have never done this bad. I must add that a lot of us are not very fond of this professor. And we have heard the rumors all along from other students. She explains everything really fast, and just expects us to grasp all the information and acts as if we have been doing this for 15 years, just like her. She is not very approachable, and believe me there have been many complaints about her.

So I talked to some of the people from my study group and they bombed it as well. She makes the exams so confusing, and words things in a complicated manner. And this was not multiple choice, we had to actually answer her questions and work out 15 formulas. So one of my classmates and I are suppose to be graduating in December. So we went ahead and asked if we fail a course, can we still walk at the commencement ceremony. YES! We can still walk, but we just won't receive our degree, and we will have to return in the Winter and pass the course, then we will receive our degree. Well it's not that I am setting myself up for failure, but a side of me has to be somewhat realistic about the whole thing. Believe me I still have some hope, I have not given up, but the standards as of now have been set extremely high. In order to pass I have to get the following:

There are 4 lab assignments worth 20 points each, and 2 exams work 150 points each. From now on I would have to get perfect scores on the next two lab assignments, meaning 20/20. And I would have to get 135/150 on my final exam, that is 90% on the final exam. That would leave me with 71% as a grade! I WOULD PASS THE COURSE! Seeeee I can be good with numbers and calculations, it's just that this class goes beyond all that. :(

I feel motivated right now, I have actually started reading and trying extremely hard to understand all the material.

To be continued.......

Monday, October 27, 2008

And the pressure is on!!!!

My midterm exam is tomorrow!!!!!!!! I have been studying like a mad women since Thursday! Well actually I've been meeting with my study group. Well, we only met yesterday and today! There is so much information, numbers, formulas, and data that has to be engraved in our brains that it all seems overwhelming! We are still going to meet tomorrow for 2 hours prior to the exam! :( I just want this to be over with! But I figure that I have studied enough and "I know what I know", all I can is my BEST. So bring it on and let's wrap it up!!!! I just finished a homework assignment for that class. YES, the wacky professor gave us homework knowing that we had to prepare for this exam. WHATEVER! I can't wait until this is over!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I received a package today that had some great things in it! My friend Maria sent me a wedding planner book and a card. I absolutely love it! It has great information, ideas and guidance towards planning a great wedding. How sweet is Maria!!! She is always giving and never expects nothing in return. And she knows I would do anything for her. She is great and as I have said before (and she knows it) I value her friendship tremendously! :) Thank you sooooooooo much Maria if you are reading this and I will talk to you soon! You are the best! :) And just to share here is a picture of what she sent me!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Proposition 8

As I drove up to my driveway the other day, I noticed a "Yes on Proposition 8" sign in our lawn. I thought WTF, why is that there? Well yes duh, my parent's put it there. This whole time I'm thinking my parents were more on the liberal side of things. Considering the fact that my Dad was born in the 40's and my Mom in the 50's I am very proud to say they have an open mind (on certain issues.) So either they didn't get the facts on this proposition or they just changed their views from one day to the next.

Out of respect for my parents I will refrain from taking that sign down! Or maybe I will persuade them to take it down. Okay this calls for a little one-on-one chat with them. Stay tuned for the verdict!! :)

I say No on Proposition 8! THERE!

Friday, October 24, 2008

First Day!

I was really anxious to leave my other job. I know, it sounds bad but it was way too far and not worth the drive for me. I used to work on campus and at times they would schedule me for 4 hours on the drive 60 miles round trip....NOT WORTH IT. So I was anxiously looking for a job closer to home and thank God that I found one just about 14 miles (round trip) from my house. I am super excited about it and I have this funny little feeling that I'm going to adapt to this new job just fine!

Today was my first day of work. I got a new job at Best Buy. Right, interested in criminal law but I work at Best Buy hmmm! Well being that I will be moving in May, I had to get a job until then and hopefully I can get a transfer once I move and in the meantime look for a job that involves what I like, OR I may just stay with them..move my way up you know!! :). Anyway I'm keeping an open mind, you just never know what can happen. Life takes some interesting twist and turns!

Today was basically orientation day. I am excited about working there because it seems like such a friendly and fun environment. And I like fun and friendly! :) Everyone there seems so easygoing and down to earth and to me it's important to work at at place like that. I've had my fair share of working with "mean people." But I guess there is one everywhere you go.

I was assigned to the "Geek Squad" jajajajajaja! That is more my fiance's department because he is so into computers. How ironic!! But I guess I will be taking calls from customers. And they also put me there because they know that I am bilingual, and apparently Best Buy has a lot of Spanish speaking customers. So it all works out well. I like getting the satisfaction of helping people when they truly need it!

So we officially start working/training on 11/2. So until then I better use my time wisely and crunch down on my studying. So I'm off to do just that!

Ciao people luv you all!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Anyone who knows me, knows that I absouletey love Shakira's music! I can relate to a lot of her music and one of my wishes is to see her in concert someday. And I'm not talking any ol' seat in the house, I'm talking front row and even backstage won't hurt. :)

And well I can't wait until she comes out with another album. We have been waiting for a while c'mon now!!!! I have to add more to my collection! Hopefully soon!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To Vote or Not to Vote??? That is the question!

Since the last presidential election in 2000 many Americans were sceptical on the whole voting process. Without going into too much political wooohaaaa the electoral college plays a huge role in the selection of who becomes president, but after everything our vote does count!!! Some of us may not go out there and vote because we are distrustful of politics. But I think that we have had enough in the past eight years! You may be thinking, well I just won't vote and let the others decide, besides it seems everyone is voting for the one "I want" to win. But that's the wrong approach to take, just get out there and do it!

The war in Iraq has cost the U.S. at least $5 billion. Now you tell me, how many different ways could we have distributed that amount of money in the United States? It could have gone towards hiring more teachers, more health care, and more money towards scholarships for college. And that is just three things that I have listed. I worked for an agency that involved a lot of presidential matters, and until the day I die I will remain loyal to that agency. But I think that I have the right to my opinion, and my opinion is that we need a leader that can come up with a different strategy, a strategy that will help the nation get back on the balance that it needs.

I hope you all have made up your mind to vote for Barack Obama!

And no, this is not a copy and paste type picture. My friend Lory and I actually had the honor to meet Obama September of 2007. It was a neat experience and I believe that he can make the difference! I actually dislike how I came out, but oh well it's OBAMA in the pic. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am feeling very tired today! Today was my loooooong day! I have three classes back to back, and after it's all over with I am mentally burnt out! And it doesn't help that I went to bed late last night. I was on the phone with Raul last night for I think, two hours. We had a rather interesting conversation about music, psychology, science fiction, movies, the brain and about the wonders of what a creative imagination can lead you to do!!! Yup, it was interesting. I was so into the topics that I didn't go to bed until about 12am. I tend to be very disciplined and I go to bed early when I know that I have a lot to do the next day. Nope, not last night. I paid for it dearly today. Oh well, it was worth every minute to talk to my future hubby! :)

One thing I was super excited about was that I finally got all my graduation information. I got to register to walk at my graduation. I was able to print out the tickets for the people that will be attending my graduation......AND I got to buy my cap, gown, and tassel. :) It felt soooo good to try it on and just have it with me. And talking about trying it on, I tend to forget how short I am. But that reminded me that I am just a weee 5'1. But that's okay I like being short, I can live with that!!! Anyway I am not at the finish line yet, but I'm optimistic that I'll survive the next six weeks. As long as I work hard, I'm sure it will pay off! I can't wait until THEE DAY! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008


Yesterday my friend Jamie and I went to the bridal expo that we were so anxiously waiting to attend. I was super excited because this was my first time attending one. BUT unfortunately we were rather disappointed. There were about twenty vendors there. We thought it was going to be a huge expo. But positive side to the whole thing was that I did get a lot of bridal magazines, goodies and vendor information. I even got to wear a small veil throughout the expo, that was fun! :) We decided to stick around for the bridal fashion show, you know, to make our $9 parking and $7 ticket worth the trip. So at the end of it all we didn't like any of the dresses that the "models" wore. Oh yeah, we actually thought one of the bracelets that one of the girls wore, very pretty and sparkly. Anyyyway so as we were walking out we we decided it was a must that we go the one of the bridal shows in Orange County, NOW THAT ONE HAS TO BE THE ULTIMATE. :)

After that we drove east so I could try on some wedding dresses. Long story short I only liked two out of the eight that I tried on. And even then, I am still not convinced. There was one that Jamie really liked on me, I think she was even about to cry. LOL! And I thought should I be getting all emotional too, once I feel like I have found THE ONE! Well, I didn't get all teary eyed, either I'm not that emotional or it just wasn't THE ONE! So yes I have to admit that I like the dresses but I feel like I should still try other ones.You know.... like I could still do better!

So I already have others in mind! The next time I go will be THE DAY that I purchase my wedding dress because apparently I have to get one at least by December, no later than that!!!! So in a couple of weeks I will be going back, hopefully Jamie can go too but for sure I am going to take my mom and dad! I kind of wanted them to go with us yesterday but the cute little couple had a concert to go to. UYYYYYY PERRRRDON!!!!! :)

So after everything we still had a fun filled Sunday!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I love In- n- Out!!!! The best ever! I am going to miss it once I move. I am going to have to take weekend getaways just to eat there. Yeah right! :(

Total Geek!

I was in my Geography class yesterday and the professor was handing back out the paper we had to write the week prior. And she says, "I have two papers here that I absolutely loved and I would like to read them out loud." And I thought "oh whatever I am not one of those two people." So as she was passing them out I was daydreaming about this and that!! Then I finally snap back to reality and notice that she is done passing out the papers. I don't have my paper!!!! It almost seems as though I didn't even hear what she said prior to passing out the papers. If I would of thought about it before I opened my mouth I would of figured that the reason I didn't have my paper was because I was among those two people. So I open my big mouth and say "I didn't get my paper." And she says, "oh let's see.........yes you are Belen right? Yes your paper was great and I would like to read it." Ohhhhhh s*&*t!!! I was so embarrassed!!!!! Why didn't I think before I opened my mouth. I guess I just had it in my head that I wasn't one of the two!! So she reads it and I just want to disappear, because I feel like everyone is watching me or something, ( I always sit in the front, NERD.) The possible points for this short paper were 5 points. Well when I got it back I saw that I got 11 points. WOW! I thought that was pretty good considering the fact that I randomly thought about what to write the night before it was due. After all that I have to admit that deep down I was proud of myself!!!!

I've taken other criminal justice classes where the students who did excellent got their names called out and recognized by the professor for doing so well. Apparently they do that in law school! Anyway so yeah, I was never one of those people. For the most part I always managed to get a 90% but I guess that was never good enough. I guess you had to be between 95-100%.

So I think that my paper is half crumpled up under the seat of my car or something. I didn't even bother putting it back in my folder. I better go frame it, LOL! NOT!

The End!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here are the latest Stats!!! :)

I checked my grade for the last assignment that I turned in online and I got an 85%!!!!!!! That is perfectly fine with me!! :) Lets just see if I can keep that up! Whewwww! Slow and steady wins the race!


I thought I had the whole honeymoon debacle over with. BUT yesterday I get a call from Raul saying that the fees were charged to another account. That other account was to Raul's sister, because she originally booked everything. I specifically told them (three times) to charge it to my account. So yesterday morning I checked my account and they still had not charged my account, and I thought that was a bit odd and I never received a confirmation email. So I put "call travelocity" on my to-do-list! Anyyyyyyyyway so I call them right away after I get Raul's call and I was a bit irritated at this point.

After ten minutes of waiting I finally get someone on the phone and advise them of the problem. After waiting and waiting and waiting they say "yes ma'am we do have here in our system that your account should of been charged and not the other one, we apologize but there is nothing we can do because the charges already went through on the other account." Ahhhhhhh I'm fuming by now! They proceed to say "you will have to transfer your funds to the other account." I won't even begin to say what I told them, but I was not a happy camper. And to top it off when they were going over the account numbers they were saying both of them wrong. What is wrong with them???????? Is it that hard???? After everything I ended up with a $100 credit on a future flight! I think the best way to use that $100 credit is to give the authorization code to my in-laws so they can use it when they fly out here. There something good came out of this!!! I can't believe no one was held accountable for that.

Travelocity sucks!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No Class!

Around 645am I hear my phone, I was trying to distinguish the sound. I wasn't sure if it was my alarm or an incoming text. So as I reach for my phone I see that it was a text message. It was a co-worker saying that campus was closed due to the high winds and fires. But even though it was early in the morning I had to think for just a minute before I comfortably went back to sleep. I thought, okay I'm sure this message is a valid one but it won't hurt to check a different source. So I called CSUSB! Yes, I have the number programmed in my phone. What a nerd! And sure enough I was immediately directed to an automated emergency system. The campus was indeed closed and so was the 215 freeway!!!

A part of me was happy because that meant I didn't have to go to my Stats. class!!! :):) Oh what joy!!! And another part of me was a bit concerned for the people that are close to the fire. I know a few people who live on campus, but I'm sure that they will evacuate safely. So now I have two whole days off!!! That makes me happy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

#1 Bridesmaid dress!

I thought I would post the dress that is on the top of my list. I really like this dress for the bridesmaids. Something about it catches my eye! I still have a bit more time to fall in love with a dress but for now this is it. If any of you know of a seamstress let me know.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Keeping my head above water!

I have sang this song many times before. Every quarter I go through the whole procrastination phase. But this quarter is the last quarter before I graduate. I am taking a boring geography class. I hate going to the labs, but I teamed up with some geeks and together we turn in great lab assignments. :) The worse is the Statistics in Criminal Justice class. I can't stand it, and every time I go into the class I get a tummy ache. So far the work has not been too painful. It's pretty much been adding, multiplying, and dividing numbers from different formulas. Not too bad! But I know it's going to get harder, and I am horrible at math. I have to pass this class, there is no way around it! And I can't afford to fall behind, but my motivation tends to come and go. And I get really anxious when I'm feeling a little too comfy, because "comfy" means that I should be studying. I turned in my first assignment last Thursday, so we will see how I did on Tuesday. I don't even care if I get a C for this class, HECK I don't even care if I get a D+ I just want to pass and move on! I guess all I can do is take things day by day and try to keep my head above water! :) No way around it I have to pass! Seven more weeks of this and I can finally breath a sigh of relief.

And to top it off I've got all the planning for the wedding ( and the excitement that comes with it) I wish I could just concentrate on the wedding planning. Anyway I am off to Starbucks to study. Being there gets me in study mode. I can't do libraries they make me want to scream, they are too quiet.

I'm hooked!

I should of posted this as my first blog! I used to be so against blogging. But after trying it I am officially hooked. I can choose who reads my blogs and I in a way keep up with those who I don't talk to often and keep them updated on things. And I love to write, so it all works out!!!!! :)I hope you guys create an account and start blogging your life away. I don't care if you have six kids (LOL) and a whole lot going on, believe me if you really want to you can blog too. And for those you who have babies/kids you can blog and write down everything that your babies do and later look back and reminisce.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Done Deal

After almost two months of searching and waiting, we were finally able to reserve the church and the venue. We were waiting all this time to see if the priest was going to be able to marry us on May 30, 2009. We couldn't reserve the venue until we had the "okay" from the church. So when I went on 10/8 they said, " we already have our events calendar for next year but unfortunately you won't be able to have your wedding here on the 30th". They had confirmations scheduled for the whole day on the 30th. They told me they had May 23rd. available. I immediately went into think mode and decided to call Raul and let him know about the change. So I called Raul and he said, "book it, book it for the 23rd". So I called Monterey Hills and they had the 23rd available. So I go back to the clerk and we finalize everything. Whewwwww!

BUT this change affected our honeymoon date, because the honeymoon was booked for the 31st of May. So we had to change the dates for the honeymoon. Well I completed all that today and I am now feeling 100% better. I am currently working on getting a photographer and videographer. I have a particular one in mind. Reasonable prices and good quality work. But maybe I'll have more options to pick from once I go to the wedding expo on 10/19. Hopefully I don't have to work that day!