Friday, February 27, 2009

Itty Biity Secrets

I copied Diana, but was only able to come up with a few things. Here they are:

1) I am addicted to chips. I truly stand behind the motto "bet you can't just eat one."

2) I got a tattoo on my ankle right after I graduated High School. I was so scared to get one, that I swore I would wait until after high school. Like I was mature enough at that time.

3) I swore I ran away from home one day. I went to my (then) best friends house. I was found within 20 minutes, and my parents took the cops just to scare me. LOL! Hmm wonder why I am a criminal justice fanatic...I decided to be on their side. :)

4) I move my foot to rock myself to sleep. WEIRDO.

5) I don't just throw my dirty clothes in my laundry basket, I FOLD my dirty clothes. Talk about OCD.

6) My high school friend and I were competing with each other in a running race and as we were running we jumped over a bench. I had a pencil in my pant pocket and as I jumped (somehow)the sharp lead part went into my right arm. I still have the green lead embedded in my arm. Ouch!

7) I love tapatio salsa! If I could put tapatio in my cereal I probably would. And if it wasn't tacky to take it with me to every restaurant, I would. LOL!

8) My brother was always the protective type when I was young. Always watching my every move. He got in my face one time, yelling at me for a stupid reason and as short as I am, I somehow managed to throw a righty at his face. OOOPPS, he looked stunned and never did it again. BUT still was very protective. I must have ran like crazy right after that! LOl! And yes I'm a lover not a fighter!

9) I like my toes...especially after a pedicure! :)

10) I don't like my boobs. When I see God, I am going to tell him the following, "God there was really no need to be overly generous in the boobish area." Thanks! I don't think I needed the back pain.

11) I like my long eyelashes and smile, thanks mom, I appreciate it!

12) I don't like chile rellenos and liver!

13) I always make sure all doors are locked before I go to bed. Again a mild case of OCD or just trying to be safe rather than sorry!!!!

14) I like my (majority of the time) layed back personality and sense of humor. Thanks Dad! :)

15) Diana we have something in common. I make list allllllll the time. If I have to go somewhere I create a timeline and make sure that I will make it there on time. Freeeeaaaaaaaaak! And to-do-list I am the master of to-do-list. Sooo bad! Oh and I always carry pens with me. I hope my wedding goes according to my time line. :)

That is all for now! Now you know a little more about

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be careful what you wish for!

So, yes I am truly blessed to have landed a job!

BUT that comes with a downside. Soooooo I am in a room (I would give the measurements, but I'm not sure what they are at this point) with nothing but women. There are about 8 girls including myself. There were 9 but one quit. She was actually the only one I clicked with!!!! And she left. :( There are two girls at each table. There is just enough room for our computers, keyboards, and phones, oh and can't forget the good ol' mouse. Sooo I have to sit next to a lady that is ummm very loud. She laughs over ANYTHING, and to top it off has a very unpleasant laugh. I'm sorry but I have to vent. I really haven't told anyone about it because I hate to be a complainer and I hate sweating the small stuff. I guess I just don't have the same sense of humor as everyone in there, they are all older and face hurts from trying to smile unwillingly. I don't know how I am going to do it, but I have to find a way. Maybe I should go by the saying, "if you can't beat them, join them." But noooooooooo I just can't do it. SIGH!!!! Things get a little bit worse, but I rather not spend too much time writing about it.

And the lady that sits next to me asked me today why I was so quiet. I just chuckled and said, "umm I don't know." I've learned to never bring your work home. I've lived by the rule ever since I worked for USSS. But hey I really had to let this one out.

Okay there, I'm done. Until next time. And be thankful that you have a cubicle or desk all to yourselves. LOL! Ohh the things we learn to appreciate. :)


I just want to add that I had a great time at our annual INS reunion. The only thing I regret is not busting out with my albums. :( Next time! Thanks to Minerva and Richard for the great food and drinks everything was great. Especially the drinks, although they didn't make me feel foggy, they made me feel tipsy. :) I had to go there Susie! LOL!

And I can't thank you enough Minerva and Richard for the wonderful frame that you gave me. It's awesome and will go perfect in my new living room, or "office." :) I love it and appreciate it!

Can't wait until our next reunion!!!!! You guys are the best!!


Friday, February 13, 2009


It's been a minute since I've visited the world of blogging. No it's not because I have a million exciting things going on. Actually there is not much going on. :) All I do these days is go to work, go to the gym, eat dinner, shower, go to bed, and do it all over the next day. And STILL very grateful that I have a job! I have a lot of wedding things to take care over the weekend, but I will not bore everyone with my wedding 411. :) But nonetheless, very exciting time for me.

I can't wait until the reunion on the 21st. Can't wait to see everyone and have a good time.

I hope everyone has a great three day weekend! Enjoy!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shopping therapy!

I made a trip to Michael's today because today marked the last day of a 50% off sale. At least for this week. I had my eye on a flower basket last week, but when I arrived there were no more left. :( Instead I bought wedding thank you cards. They were originally $9.99 for a box of 50 and I only paid $5.38. I love shopping, especially when great deals are involved.

Next I headed over to Target to buy my pops a B-day card. He claims he wants a men's Tiffany's cologne. Hello excuse me Mr. Ramirez I don't have a tree in the back yard with benjamins growing on it. BUT of course I have to get my pops the cologne. I will do that with my tax return. :) He is having his 66th b-day on Tuesday. I am sure he doesn't mind me disclosing his age, he probably doesn't even remember his own age. LOL. Anyway so I stumbled upon the perfect card. I always get him humorous cards, because I like seeing him crack up when he reads them.:)

Then I couldn't help but stop by the small section of wedding things that Target has. I saw the cutest thing ever. And the wording was perfect! :) They were luggage tags, and again on sale. Originally $6.99 and now $4.99. I had to buy them and here they are:

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am one to have a very open mind, but when it comes to science fiction movies, I can't seem to appreciate the wonders and creativity that they have to offer. I've always been into drama based movies. Movies that I can relate to. And I am a sucker for movies that are based on true stories, oh and love story movies, I am soooooo in!Soooooo when Raul and I got together, we quickly realized that we were the total opposite in that area. He lives for science fiction movies. I couldn't believe it, I thought how is this ever going to work out between us???????? LOL! I remember we use to rent movies. The routine went as followed:

1) Arrive at Hollywood video (in Pasadena)

2) Look at each other, and say "okay I'm going to my section, you go to yours." Cool!

3) After 10-15 minutes later we would meet at the ice cream/popcorn section and evaluate each others movies. Hmm I thought whatever, SCIENCE FICTION. And who knows what he was thinking, but there something registering in that noggin' of his, I could tell by his facial expressions. :)

4) Pay for everything.

5) No matter how much we argued on the way home that we were watching his movies first, I would always get my way and end up watching mine first. Only to be really sleepy by the time it was his turn to play his movie. :( He hated that, but I couldn't help it. I tried my best to stay awake.

BUT, the good thing is that Raul always manages to meet me half way when it comes to movies. He is such a movie buff and watches just about anything. He is the one with the huge imagination, and in a way I wish I had that too. Sometimes I blame my lack of imagination on my parents. Maybe they didn't let me explore enough, do a lot etc. etc. BUT another side of me doesn't blame them, because if I remember correctly we weren't allowed to watch too much TV, instead I remember reading a lot and playing outside. They say that not watching too much TV as a kid helps develop your imagination, and the same applies when you read as a child. I even remember when I was attending Catholic School, I was in third grade and during the reading period I would always go with the fifth graders because I was at that level by that time. Okay okay I had some braggin' rights there. LOL!

My imagination and the small ounce of creativity that I have does come out when it comes to decorating my room, my bathroom etc. etc. And that's why I can't wait until I'm in Texas so I can go nuts at our new place. :)So the answer hasn't been found yet. I guess I just have to accept the fact that my brain isn't wired that way. At times I can't see beyond what reality is. I still have to work on letting my mind wander off to the unknown or the what iffs!!!!! Or maybe I'm fine with the way things are. Ahh who knows!!! I'm not sure that I will ever get into SCI-FI movies. If I do I'll be sure to make it blog worthy. :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

First Day!

Today was a good day, LONG but good! I am experiencing information overload. We are currently in training for one week, we officially start to fulfill our duties on Monday. Okaaaay I sound like I am in the military! LOL.

Anyway pretty much in a nut shell, the water company is putting into action a new budget plan for all customers. The billing process will be changing by April. And we are basically there to assist all the customers with any questions they may have and try to make the transition an easy one to understand. WHATEVER, I'm just happy to have a job! I won't go into too much detail, because it's too long. Lets just say I think it's a fair plan, but customers will freak out, because as we all know not all people like CHANGE. :) The plan was also created to help customers conserve more water.

It's always good to learn something new. And, well I officially feel like I'm part of society again LOL, I am now employed. :) Thank you God!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just a few things!

I was surfing the net one day and came across a website that gives ideas on how to accomplish certain things or fun ways to set goals. There were a few that caught my attention, but I don't think I will have the discipline to do it at this time. If I am not mistaken I think Diana posted something similar; like 101 things to do in 1001 days. I'll have to refer back to that. :) Anyway so I started to create my list. These are some of the things that I want to accomplish throughout my lifetime. So I figured I would just add what has come to mind. And here it goes:

1) Get married

2) Buy a house

3) Have two babies.

4) Buy a new car

5) Save $1,000,000.01 :)

6) Weigh 135-145 pounds

7) Run in the Los Angeles Marathon (don't care if I am living in Texas, I'll fly out here). In all the years that I lived here, I never got to do that.

8) Have my immediate family and Raul's family at our new house for Christmas. :)

9) Have my parents live long enough so they enjoy their grandchildren.

10) Travel to Greece!

11) Tell my mom I love her. Those words are very powerful and don't come out of my mouth naturally because that's not how I was brought up. She knows I love her but it's never been said.

12) Go skiing with Raul.

13) Go hiking with Raul.

14) Learn how speak Italian.

15) Learn Sign Language

16) Pay off school loans.

17) Actually complete the 50 mile Rosarito Bike Ride. I think I only finished 15 miles the first time.

18) Have my 85 year old grandmother meet the Trujillo babies. :)

19) Get a breast reduction.

20) Give up chips for lent.

21) Drive a Ferrari, not necessarily own one.

22) Remove my tattoo.

23) Go to a Shakira concert.

24) Go to a Juanes concert.

25) Go to a Mana concert.

26) Ohhh and I want a St. Bernard dog. :)

27) See my 4 1/2 year old nephew Andres grow up to be a responsible, compassionate and great young man.

28) Wear a bathing suit with 110% confidence. :)

29) Visit the Taj-Majal.

30) Travel to Spain

31) Travel to Argentina.

32) Travel to Peru.

33) Travel to Australia, and it doesn't end there. If I could I would travel the world.

34) Travel to Paris.

35) Plant a lemon tree.

36) Learn how to knit.

To be continued...


Tomorrow is my official first day of work at the Eastern Municipal Water District. :) I am excited and looking forward to filling my days with more to do. Because that means that time is going to fly by, and I'm okay with that. I will be working all week and weekends off! Yeahhh weekends are important! So I will keep you all updated on how the first day of work went.

Oh and Happy Super Bowl Day! (No such thing,but you get the point). :)