Friday, June 4, 2010


I can't get over how fast time has gone by. I remember when I use to wish time would fly by, and now I wish it would slow down.

I've been at the new job for about two months now. I like it thus far. Would I retire from this job? NO! I know I can challenge myself a bit more. We are extremely busy everyday and I like that, it makes the day go by faster. I've learned a lot and there is still a lot to learn. I have some very nice co-workers and some that are disguised as NICE people. I deal w/ them with the simple "HI and BYE". :) But then again, there are always a "few of those" in every crowd. I simply thank God for blessing me with this job, because before this I was doing something that didn't interest me..and now this job can be the gateway to bigger and better things. :)

The hubby and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary on 5/23/2010 in Puerto Vallarta. We got some much needed rest. I came back very very dark. The sun is brutal over there. It's been an interesting year. Like every marriage we had many ups and downs. Moments I thought OMG what did I get myself into, and others when I thought OMG this is the best I love him soo much. :) LOL!!! Whatever the case may be I love my hubby and there is no question about it him and I were meant to be. ;0)

Annnd last but not least around the 2nd of this month marks the 1st year of my Texas residency!!! Yeah okay, whatever! :) That has also been interesting. It's safe to say that I have officially adapted to this place. I know there is a reason behind all this. I think it's also safe to say that I probably would be unemployed if I was still in CA. If there is a recession going on in any part of the world or in CA can't feel it here. I still miss my hometown and will visit any chance I get. ;)

Life for me has taken a 360 degree turn. I've learned a lot about myself, and life. I wouldn't have any other way.
