Monday, April 5, 2010

Shocking (to me)!!!!!

Ever since I started working in the human resources office I have seen some shocking things. Well shocking for me! One of my (our) duties are to print out a list of all the interviews we are going to have for the day. After all the paperwork, we also get to greet the applicants/candidates.

There have been at least three instances where I approach the applicants to ask a question regarding their applications only to find them texting away or surfing the web. They make no eye contact and that just DRIVES ME NUTS. I can't understand for the life of me what they are thinking, or maybe they are just not thinking. Furthermore they don't come dressed appropriately. Some come in wearing jeans and spaghetti straps.

These people are screened based on what they put on their application so since everything is electronic we don't get to see them physically until they show up to the interview. Do their parents NOT tell them the do's and dont's of job interviews????

I remember when I had my first interview ever!! I was in high school. When I told my parents that I had a job interview they immediately took me shopping for an appropriate outfit. I remember like it was yesterday. And being that my mom had her own business and constantly interviewed people for jobs she drilled me left and right about how to conduct myself before, during and after an interview. So maybe that is why I blame it on the parents. There are many possibilities that run through my head as to why they present themselves in such a manner. I mean there are people who don't have any money and somehow manage to find a decent outfit for an interview. If these people can afford to pay a $100 +/- on cell phone bill then they can afford an appropriate outfit.

Today in particular a girl that use to work for the store during the holiday season came in for an interview. The manager that was interviewing her made some small talk with her and the whole time she was glued to her cell phone texting and AGAIN not making eye contact with the manager. I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought, if this girl is hired I will not feel bad that this company/store has irresponsible employees working for them. It says a lot of a persons character when they start off on bad terms right before an interview.

So far 1 out of 3 persons that have given me a negative impression have not made it. I have yet to find out if the third was hired. I hope to find out by Wednesday!!!

If it was totally up to me I would escort them straight to the nearest exit.


minnie said...

WOW! These people are crazy if they think they are going to survive in the real world with those attitudes. It is truly amazing that they have the courage to text and walk in there with jeans. I also blame the parents; ultimatley they are your role models.

*B* said...

Minerva I have seen it at least three times and each time is shocking to me. Thank God my supervisor thinks the same way I do because he has turned many people due to their appearance and actions. And if they keep up that way they are work for Macy's the rest of their lives. :(

susana said...

it's sad...i recently conducted interviews for a high school internship program and unfortunately, most didn't come dressed appropriately. I think its ignorance, seriously, no one has told them otherwise. My mom did the same thing to me, i came in for the 1st day of work all dressed up at 16(because i was working in an office) while everyone else around me was in shorts in jeans