Saturday, December 20, 2008


I've know that Raul and I are going to see each other on the 26th of this month, but just today it actually hit me that, I'M GOING TO SEE HIM IN A MATTER OF DAYS. I'm soooooooooooooo excited. We have not seen each other for 7 1/2 months and at times I don't even know how we manage. Somehow we adapt to the situation, we have concluded that it's simply the love that we have for each other, that is what keeps us there. Anyway I get a quick visual of his lovely smile and I just get butterflies. BARF!!! LOL!!!Sorry but it's true I can't wait to get a big ol' hug from him, he gives the best hugs. SIGH!!! I'm soooo excited! :)

1 comment:

minnie said...

WOW! That's love!Hang in there only a few more months!